RETRO rugby koozies

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  • Regular price $5.85 USD

Brand new and super fun, we've got some retro designs on koozies ready to roll your way!

Until rugby went professional, it was played in America at all levels by average Joes that did so for the love of the game, the camaraderie of their teammates, and the occasional party or two. It was promoted as a game for every size person, with the larger guys in the pack and the smaller guys in the backs; and, then the smallest of them all was the Hooker. These retro rugby shirts take us back to a much simpler time in our sport’s history. When neither players nor fans took themselves too seriously. These drawings were the work of Don Wise, a brother of an Old Huntsville Rugby player back in the 1970’s. We think that they catch the spirit of the game back in the ‘old days.’ Huntsville Rugby was gracious enough to share these drawings of a long forgotten era with us so we could share them with you. In return, Huntsville Rugby will receive a portion of the proceeds to help continue their long tradition of rugby in the South.